->English version 「デモシーナーにインタビュー」へようこそ。今回は、EpochやPrismbeingsをはじめ、数多くのグループ・プロジェクトに関わりながら活動しているnobyさんをゲストにお迎えしました。 noby...
Interview with Demoscener – noby (Epoch, Prismbeings)
→日本語で読む Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners! This time, we welcome noby from Epoch and Prismbeings (and many other projects). As...
デモシーナー、Flopineさん(Cookie Collective)にインタビュー
->English version 「デモシーナーにインタビュー」へようこそ。今回は、さまざまな方法を活用してシェーダーの作品を積極的に発表している、コーダーのFlopine(フロピン)さんをゲストにお迎えしました。彼女...
Interview with Demoscener – Flopine (Cookie Collective)
→日本語でよむ Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners! This time, we welcome Flopine, a shader coder who actively shares her crafts via various methods and...
“Who is Demoscener?” – What I’ve learned from interviewing them
→日本語でよむ For the past 5-6 years, I’ve had occasion to peek into the little-known computer subculture called “demoscene”. I’ve seen their work, I’ve been...
“Moleman 4” Documentary about Game Development in Hungary
Documentary film “Moleman 4 – Longplay” was released on Vimeo the other day. And I joined their project as a Japanese translator 🙂 You...