Letter #6: “No. I’m just a middle-aged woman who happened to buy the same lipstick! “

Dear you,

It’s getting colder and the stores are already with Christmas decorations. We now hear the loud voices from election campaign cars, but it’s only a matter of time before we hear “Last Christmas” everywhere. I forgot who started to say “Whamtember” but I like Whamtembers. It’s a beautiful season where we can see colored leaves to illuminated streets.

choco-cro is sitting on the back seat

A while ago, I saw a girl holding a smartphone with a magnifying glass app in one hand and a white cane in the other hand. We were in the lipstick section in a beauty store, and it seemed like we were looking for the same product. I asked her if she needed help to find what she was looking for, and she told me a couple of color names and asked me to pick one for her. She said “I heard these are good, but I really don’t know. As long as I have a color on my lips, I’m good. Just pick one for me.”

Though I felt responsible for this big task, I.. just! couldn’t! refuse this super special fantastic opportunity to pick a lipstick for someone I don’t know! I could ask the store staff but they were not beauty advisors and seemed busy, so I excitedly (I tried to hide this excitement though) took over. Besides, she’s looking for the same product. I studied a bit last night, I have some (superficial) knowledge!

So I applied this and that tester on the back of my hand, checking with her skin tone, used on her lips etc, and picked one color. I tried to describe what the color looked like, but then I realized that’s not what she wanted, so I just told her it looked great on her. She was happy, so I took her to the cashier and called one of the staff.

Then she said with a puzzled look “Aren’t you a staff of this store??” and started to laugh. I was wearing a black jacket, so she might have thought I worked at the store… Thanks so much for giving me this super special fantastic opportunity…

I’m using Lip Monster a lot these days. It’s nice when you need to wear and remove a mask frequently. No wonder they took the nation by storm.

Have a lovely day,

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