Interview with Demoscener – noby (Epoch, Prismbeings)
→日本語で読む Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners! This time, we welcome noby from Epoch and Prismbeings (and many other projects). As...
A Handshake
As a translator, I get to become someone else through texts. It gets more exciting when the person seems interesting and very different from myself....
May 2022
Many things have changed. Looking back on May last year, we were still in the state of emergency and everyone was talking about vaccination....
Interview with Demoscener – Flopine (Cookie Collective)
→日本語でよむ Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners! This time, we welcome Flopine, a shader coder who actively shares her crafts via various methods and...
Won’t be the same
Flour is finally back in store shelves, signs of “1 item per household” are diminished, and it’s becoming normal routine to wear masks and spray...
Honesty pays
Japan’s consumption tax has raised to 10% since October, and the reduced tax rate (8%) is applied to essentials. For food, you’ll pay 8% if...