“Who is Demoscener?” – What I’ve learned from interviewing them
→日本語でよむ For the past 5-6 years, I’ve had occasion to peek into the little-known […]...
Interview with Japanese demoscener – 0x4015
→日本語でよむ Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners. This time, we welcome 0x4015 who won 4K […]...
->English version 「デモシーナーにインタビュー」へようこそ。今回は、この春にドイツで開催されたデモパーティー「Revision」の4Kカテゴリーで見事優勝された、日本人デモシーナーの0x4015さんをゲストにお...
Interview with Demoscener – Cryptic (Approximate)
→日本語でよむ Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners. This time, we welcome Cryptic, a coder […]...
Interview with Demoscener – Pixtur (Still, LKCC)
→日本語でよむ Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners. This time, we welcome Pixtur who […]...
Interview with Demoscener – Navis (ASD)
→日本語でよむ Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners #10! Hm…10th? Tenth?! Yes, the 10th!! Hurray!!! Before […]...
Interview with Demoscener – iq (RGBA)
→日本語でよむ When someone asks me what the demoscene is, I often pull out some demos […]...
Interview with Demoscener – kb (Farbrausch)
→日本語でよむ Welcome to the Interview with Demosceners. This time, we have kb from Farbrausch! Enjoy! […]...