🟡After I heard this season’s first “Last Christmas” on November 1, I paid extra attention to songs that were played in the stores. Whether it was the original or someone’s cover, I heard Last Christmas frequently in early November. Then, I started to hear all things Wham! as if it’s appropriate for this season as long as it’s by Wham!. “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go” was one of the examples. So it was truly a Whamtember.
Later in November, I somehow started to hear “Livin’ on a Prayer” by Bon Jovi frequently. This, I really don’t know where it comes from. Last Christmas was released in 1984, and Livin’ on a Prayer was released in 1986. So it might be a slot where all thing 80s were accepted.
Then December came, and the music rotation was replaced with “All I Want for Christmas Is You”. After this, I don’t think I heard Wham. So maybe “Last Christmas” is meant to tell us modestly that the end of the year is coming. And when the season hits the peak, they go more obvious and jolly sound.
🟡Speaking of Bon Jovi, I saw its singer’s name on news some time ago.
Jon Bon Jovi praised for talking woman off bridge (BBC)
So when I heard “Livin’ on a Prayer” in the store, I felt more authenticity in this song. The lyrics “Take my hand and we’ll make it, I swear” now have another meaning.
🟡Now I can’t believe this was an actual Cup Noodles commercial.
🟡Oh yeah, back then it was common to give English songs Japanese titles. A Japanese title of “You Give Love A Bad Name” is “A Forbidden Love”…
Live In Tokyo – 1988
One more time, One more chance – Masayoshi Yamazaki
Merry Christmas.