LetterLetter #4: a liaison wearing fluffy socks It's raining, foggy, and 20c. I smell the fragrant olive blooming in m... 2024.10.08Letter
LetterLetter #3: That baseball boy I have been into baseball these days. MLB to be more precise, and Shoh... 2024.10.01Letter
LetterLetter #2: Deal with it I'm wearing a hoodie, it's like late autumn today. I've just come back... 2024.09.24Letter
LetterLetter #1: A pigeon Hope you are doing well. Did you have a good summer or winter?The unbe... 2024.09.17Letter
DiaryBBC – The International Radio Playwriting Competition 2023 My radio drama script “My Party Starts From 6am” was selected as a hig... 2024.03.16DiaryWorks
DemosceneMolemanのDVDが届きました ハンガリーからDVDが届きました。こちらはハンガリーのサブカルチャーを紹介するドキュメンタリーシリーズ「Moleman」のもの。昨年公開され... 2024.02.01Demoscene日本語
DiaryJust Moved! This blog is now on the new URL. With bigger fonts for better readabil... 2023.11.10Diary日本語
DemosceneInterview with Demoscener – noby (Epoch, Prismbeings) →日本語で読むWelcome to the Interview with Demosceners! This time, we welcom... 2023.08.03DemosceneDemoscenersInterview