Setsuko Hyodo

Won’t be the same

Flour is finally back in store shelves, signs of “1 item per household” are diminished, and it’s becoming normal routine to wear masks and spray...

Honesty pays

Japan’s consumption tax has raised to 10% since October, and the reduced tax rate (8%) is applied to essentials. For food, you’ll pay 8% if...

Hello, new era

New imperial era has started in Japan.   Last time our era changed (yes, I’m a Showa-born lady), we were in mourning period and everything...


宣伝です!英語版の翻訳を担当させていただいた絵本のオリジナル日本語版『かわうそスーのぼうけん』(ストーリー/イラスト:たくや・さくらさん)が、一部店舗とオンラインストアで発売中です。     『かわうそスー...